MKM-System s.r.o.
Haanova 31, 851 04 Bratislava
tel: +421 2 622 48 942
fax:+421 2 622 48 931

Office hours
Mo. - Fr. 08:00 - 16:30 CET
About Us

About us...

Dipl.zt. Martin Mikus
Dipl.zt. Martin Mikus
MKM System s.r.o. has operated on the market since 1994.
It is focused on the sale and production of products assigned for dental technicians.
The director of the company, registered dental technician Martin Mikus, is also at the same time the chief worker of the dental laboratory.
The main idea of our trading is to depend only on the best quality materials and reliable modern technologies. We use more than thirty years of practical experience with prosthetics for development of working methods and education of our prospective colleagues.
We value our customers as long-term partners, and it is always a priority for us to retain this relationship.